Option Bungalow option with pitched roof open to ridge
Everything at a glance
External dimensions
4,60 x 14,50 m
Living space
52,74 m2
Option — Bungalow option with pitched roof open to ridge
Roof Shape
flat roof
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Bungalow with partial gable roof

The bungalow option is the ideal choice for those that believe in “less is more” and prefer compact living with individual freedom. With a living area of approximately 55 m2 and intelligent interior design, it provides sufficient space for one to two people. The 14-metre-long bungalow can be specified with a partial gable or a completely flat roof. In both designs the rooms open on to the garden side with generous window elements, thus creating a harmonious connection with nature.

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Price example

Preis-Basis ist die Ausbaustufe "Bad komplett" inklusive top Ausstattungs-Highlights
WeberHaus Option, mit partiellem Satteldach, inkl. Bodenplatte und Putzfassade. Basis der genannten Preise ist die derzeit gültige Bau- und Ausstattungsbeschreibung.
Preisstand: 01.02.2024
199.000,- €